Medicine and Health Science Courses(医学与健康科学课程)
Postgraduate Certificate in Genomic Medicine
该计划由剑桥大学继续教育学院和剑桥大学医院与 Wellcome Sanger 研究所、Wellcome Genome Campus 高级课程和科学会议以及 EMBL-欧洲生物信息学研究所合作开发。
这是一门兼职课程,旨在满足全职工作的需求。该课程通过需要参加剑桥的面对面课程、自主学习和虚拟学习环境 [VLE] 的支持相结合的方式提供。
To provide professionally relevant teaching and learning informed by research in an integrated clinical and research environment;
To develop and create a cohort of doctors and other professionals allied to medicine able to pursue and develop their roles in a rapidly-changing and challenging environment of genomic medicine;
To prepare healthcare professionals for the adoption of genomic technologies and the increasing use of genomic information as part of the diagnostic and treatment pathway;
To develop a cohort of doctors and other professionals allied to medicine with the confidence to lead service improvement for safe and high quality patient care, and with the required knowledge, skills and capability to have a positive personal impact on the work of others;
To develop a cohort of doctors and other professionals allied to medicine with an understanding of research methodologies and clinical opportunities relevant to genomic medicine;
To encourage a commitment to intellectual challenge and evidence-based clinical practice informed by the latest conceptual and theoretical knowledge of genomic medicine;
To develop students' intellectual, practical and transferable skills related to genomic medicine;
To encourage critical thinking related to genomic medicine;
雅思学术:总分 7.0(听力、写作和口语至少 7.0;阅读 6.5)
TOEFL Internet:总分 100(每个单项至少 25)
CAE:A 级或 B 级(每个单项至少 193)加上语言中心评估
CPE:A、B 或 C 级(每个元素至少 200)
申请人通常需要持有英国大学的 2i 或更高学位或海外大学的同等学历。
简历 (CV)
12,537 英镑/年
Postgraduate Diploma in Genomic Medicine
To provide professionally relevant teaching and learning informed by research in an integrated clinical and research environment;
To develop and create a cohort of doctors and other professionals allied to medicine able to pursue and develop their roles in a rapidly-changing and challenging environment of genomic medicine;
To prepare healthcare professionals for the adoption of genomic technologies and the increasing use of genomic information as part of the diagnostic and treatment pathway;
To develop a cohort of doctors and other professionals allied to medicine with the confidence to lead service improvement for safe and high quality patient care, and with the required knowledge, skills and capability to have a positive personal impact on the work of others;
To develop a cohort of doctors and other professionals allied to medicine with an understanding of research methodologies and clinical opportunities relevant to genomic medicine;
To encourage a commitment to intellectual challenge and evidence-based clinical practice informed by the latest conceptual and theoretical knowledge of genomic medicine;
To develop students' intellectual, practical and transferable skills related to genomic medicine;
To encourage critical thinking related to genomic medicine;
雅思学术:总分 7.0(听力、写作和口语至少 7.0;阅读 6.5)
TOEFL Internet:总分 100(每个单项至少 25)
CAE:A 级或 B 级(每个单项至少 193)加上语言中心评估
CPE:A、B 或 C 级(每个元素至少 200)
申请人通常需要持有英国大学的 2i 或更高学位或海外大学的同等学历。
简历 (CV)
每年为 12,537 英镑(整整两年为 25,074 英镑)
MSt in Genomic Medicine
To provide professionally relevant teaching and learning informed by research in an integrated clinical and research environment;
To develop and create a cohort of doctors and other professionals allied to medicine able to pursue and develop their roles in a rapidly-changing and challenging environment of genomic medicine;
To prepare healthcare professionals for the adoption of genomic technologies and the increasing use of genomic information as part of the diagnostic and treatment pathway;
To develop a cohort of doctors and other professionals allied to medicine with the confidence to lead service improvement for safe and high quality patient care, and with the required knowledge, skills and capability to have a positive personal impact on the work of others;
To develop a cohort of doctors and other professionals allied to medicine with an understanding of research methodologies and clinical opportunities relevant to genomic medicine;
To encourage a commitment to intellectual challenge and evidence-based clinical practice informed by the latest conceptual and theoretical knowledge of genomic medicine;
To develop students' intellectual, practical and transferable skills related to genomic medicine;
To encourage critical thinking related to genomic medicine;
To conduct systematic research relevant to their professional practice.
To equip students for entry into health care professional training schemes including graduate entry medicine courses
To prepare students for undertaking research fellowships and degrees (PhD) in genomic medicine-related research fields
To provide students from the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and other industries with an understanding of the relevance of advances in genomics for current and future health care.
雅思学术:总分 7.0(听力、写作和口语至少 7.0;阅读 6.5)
TOEFL Internet:总分 100(每个单项至少 25)
CAE:A 级或 B 级(每个单项至少 193)加上语言中心评估
CPE:A、B 或 C 级(每个元素至少 200)
申请人通常需要持有英国大学的 2i 或更高学位或海外大学的同等学历。
每年 18,804 英镑(整整 2 年为 37,608 英镑)
Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Medicine 2022-23
(临床医学研究生文凭 2022-23)
Provide professionally relevant teaching and learning informed by research in an integrated clinical and teaching environment.
Create an international cohort of consultants, GPs, dentists and other healthcare professionals able to pursue and develop their roles in a rapidly-changing and challenging environment of clinical medicine.
Develop the confidence within this cohort to lead service improvement for safe and high quality patient care, with the required knowledge, skills and capability to have a positive personal impact on the work of others in their clinical team and wider service.
Develop clinicians with an understanding of teaching, professional development and assessment in the field of clinical medicine.
Develop clinicians with an understanding of research methodologies and ethical considerations relevant to clinical medicine.
Encourage participants to develop as reflective practitioners with the emotional intelligence, resilience and astuteness required to be effective clinical leaders.
Encourage a commitment to intellectual challenge and evidence-based clinical practice informed by the latest conceptual and theoretical knowledge of medical education, research methods, ethics and clinical leadership and governance.
• 雅思学术:总分 7.5(单项
不低于7.0)• 托福:总分 110(单项不低于 25)
• CAE:A 级,加上语言中心评估
• CPE :A、B 或 C 级(每个元素至少 200)
PGDip 仅向在剑桥大学继续教育研究所成功完成临床研究、教育和领导力 PGCert(以前称为临床医学 PGCert)的人开放。
在其他大学修读的课程不计入此 PGDip 的学分。完成临床医学 PGDip 的学生可以申请临床医学硕士。
• 学历成绩单副本
• 雇主支持信以确认释放学习时间
• 资金证明
• 两名学术推荐人的详细信息
• 如果适用,参加课程的适当签证
• 英语能力证明(如果适用)
每年 9501 英镑。
Postgraduate Diploma in Medical Education
consideration of strategies to create and sustain safe working and learning environments, including supporting and developing faculty to deliver high quality education and training
the features of high quality formative and summative assessment practices and how these are used to assess performance and support the development of students and trainees (including differentiation of performance and supporting trainees who are failing to progress)
a focus on curriculum and course design at two levels i.e. firstly, to enable an informed critique of adopted curriculum, their limits and potentials and secondly to familiarise participants with core curriculum design skills
雅思学术:总分 7.0(听力、写作和口语至少 7.0;阅读 6.5)
TOEFL Internet:总分 100(每个单项至少 25)
CAE:A 级或 B 级(每个单项至少 193)加上语言中心评估
CPE:A、B 或 C 级(每个元素至少 200)
2022 年的费用为每年 6,498 英镑。
Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Research, Education and Leadership(临床研究、教育和领导力研究生证书)
Provide professionally relevant teaching and learning informed by research in an integrated clinical and teaching environment
Create an international cohort of healthcare professionals able to pursue and develop their roles in a rapidly-changing and challenging environment of clinical medicine
Develop the confidence within this cohort to lead service improvement for safe and high quality patient care, with the required knowledge, skills and capability to have a positive personal impact on the work of others in their clinical team and wider service
Develop clinicians with an understanding of teaching, professional development and assessment in the field of clinical medicine
Develop clinicians with an understanding of research methodologies and ethical considerations relevant to clinical medicine
Encourage participants to develop as reflective practitioners with the emotional intelligence, resilience and astuteness required to be effective clinical leaders
Encourage a commitment to intellectual challenge and evidence-based clinical practice informed by the latest conceptual and theoretical knowledge of clinical education, research methods, ethics and clinical leadership and governance
CAE:A 级,加上语言中心评估
CPE:A、B 或 C 级(每个元素至少 200)
申请人通常应持有英国大学的 2.i 或更高学位或海外大学的同等学历。有规定接受不符合标准学术标准的申请人。此类申请人必须提供相关和同等经验以及他们对课程的适用性的证据。
· 学历成绩单原件
· 雇主支持信,以确认释放学习时间。
· 资金证明
· 两位学术推荐人详情
· 如果适用,参加课程的适当签证。
2022 年的费用为每年 9501 英镑。
Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Clinical Practice (PHEM)
(高级临床实践研究生证书 (PHEM))
To develop a postgraduate programme which is open to healthcare professionals (paramedics and nurses) who are eligible to undertake accreditation as an Advanced PHEM practitioner.
To contribute to shaping regional and national perspectives relating to continuing professional development of advanced clinical practitioners.
To meet the College of Paramedics’ post-registration career framework aspirations related to PHEM practice.
To develop a cohort of Advanced Practitioners possessing a depth and breadth of knowledge and understanding within the specialist field of PHEM.
雅思学术:总分 7.0(听力、写作和口语至少 7.0;阅读 6.5)
TOEFL Internet:总分 100(每个单项至少 25)
剑桥 C1 高级:A 级或 B 级(每个单项至少 193),加上语言中心评估
剑桥 C2 熟练程度:A、B 或 C 级(每个单项至少 200)
申请人必须是拥有当前健康与护理专业委员会 (HCPC) 注册的护理人员或拥有当前护理和助产士委员会 (NMC) 注册的执业护士。符合条件的候选人应在院前护理实践中具有丰富的经验和持续的经验。
至少获得英国大学的良好 2i 荣誉学位或海外大学的同等标准;和
每年9,501 英镑。
Postgraduate Certificate in Healthcare Data and Informatics (2022-23)
Provide professionally relevant teaching and learning of the knowledge and skills that underpin, and are at the forefront, of successful understanding and utilisation of electronic healthcare data.
Develop, create and upskill healthcare data experts with the necessary expertise, and originality of application, to pursue and expand their roles in the context of the rapidly evolving environment of electronic healthcare data
Promote a comprehensive understanding of the practical and ethical considerations relevant to healthcare data, informatics, innovation and commercialisation.
Ensure a systematic understanding of the skills and knowledge required to facilitate the development of critical thinking, and appropriate analytical and problem-solving skills relevant to the utilisation of healthcare data.
Provide work relevant learning and practical expertise in the context of a critical awareness of current problems, best-practice, challenges and potential solutions in the use of healthcare data.
Instil a critically reflective approach to the development of innovative and commercially viable application of healthcare data.
Create a professional network of like-minded individuals as leaders in the field of healthcare data commercialisation.
雅思学术:总分 7.0(听力、写作和口语至少 7.0;阅读 6.5)
TOEFL Internet:总分 100(每个单项至少 25)
CAE:A 级或 B 级(每个单项至少 193)加上语言中心评估
CPE:A、B 或 C 级(每个元素至少 200)
本课程的申请者应获得英国 2.i 荣誉学位或同等学历。
2022 年的入学费用为 9,501 英镑。
Postgraduate Diploma in Healthcare Data: Informatics, Innovation and Commercialization (2022-24)
Provide professionally relevant teaching and learning of the knowledge and skills that underpin, and are at the forefront, of successful understanding and utilisation of electronic healthcare data.
Develop, create and upskill healthcare data experts with the necessary expertise, and originality of application, to pursue and expand their roles in the context of the rapidly evolving environment of electronic healthcare data
Promote a comprehensive understanding of the practical and ethical considerations relevant to healthcare data, informatics, innovation and commercialisation.
Ensure a systematic understanding of the skills and knowledge required to facilitate the development of critical thinking, and appropriate analytical and problem-solving skills relevant to the utilisation of healthcare data.
Provide work relevant learning and practical expertise in the context of a critical awareness of current problems, best-practice, challenges and potential solutions in the use of healthcare data.
Instil a critically reflective approach to the development of innovative and commercially viable application of healthcare data.
Create a professional network of like-minded individuals as leaders in the field of healthcare data commercialisation.
Provide students with the skills and knowledge to execute the entire process from initial curiosity driven database queries, through to data analysis and visualization, completing with data entrepreneurship, commercialisation, and digital marketing.
雅思学术:总分 7.0(听力、写作和口语至少 7.0;阅读 6.5)
TOEFL Internet:总分 100(每个单项至少 25)
CAE:A 级或 B 级(每个单项至少 193)加上语言中心评估
CPE:A、B 或 C 级(每个元素至少 200)
本课程的申请者应获得英国 2.i 荣誉学位或同等学历。
2022 年的入学费用为每年为 9,501 英镑(19,002 英镑)。
MSt in Healthcare Data: Informatics, Innovation and Commercialization (2022-24)
Provide professionally relevant teaching and learning of the knowledge and skills that underpin, and are at the forefront, of successful understanding and utilisation of electronic healthcare data.
Develop, create and upskill healthcare data experts with the necessary expertise, and originality of application, to pursue and expand their roles in the context of the rapidly evolving environment of electronic healthcare data
Promote a comprehensive understanding of the practical and ethical considerations relevant to healthcare data, informatics, innovation and commercialisation.
Ensure a systematic understanding of the skills and knowledge required to facilitate the development of critical thinking, and appropriate analytical and problem-solving skills relevant to the utilisation of healthcare data.
Provide work relevant learning and practical expertise in the context of a critical awareness of current problems, best-practice, challenges and potential solutions in the use of healthcare data.
Instil a critically reflective approach to the development of innovative and commercially viable application of healthcare data.
Create a professional network of like-minded individuals as leaders in the field of healthcare data commercialisation.
For students completing the PgDip or Masters programme provide students with the skills and
knowledge to execute the entire process from initial curiosity driven database queries, through to data analysis and visualization, completing with data entrepreneurship, commercialization, and digital marketing. And for Masters students to do this in a work-relevant and practical manner via their research dissertation.
雅思学术:总分 7.0(听力、写作和口语至少 7.0;阅读 6.5)
TOEFL Internet:总分 100(每个单项至少 25)
CAE:A 或 B 级(每个单项至少 193),加上语言中心评估
CPE:A、B 或 C 级(每个元素至少 200)
本课程的申请者应获得英国 2.1 荣誉学位或同等学历。
2021 年的入学费用为每年 14,250 英镑。综合研究生费用包括学院会员资格。
MSt in Medical Education
Exploration of project design principles, including methodological choices
Familiarisation with a range of educational research, development and evaluation methods
Purposeful and in-depth engagement with their chosen project design methodology and linked methods
Purposeful engagement with approaches to data selection, data generation and data analysis methods (linked to their chosen design)
Rehearsing different ways of communicating complex ideas in written/verbal/graphic form for different audiences (eg academic audience, professional audience, members of the public etc)
a capacity to purposefully design, implement and critically appraise an educational project that has the potential to inform or change practice
an ability to position their project in relevant policy/practice context and to provide a coherent account of the conceptual and methodological choices they have made in design and implementation
the ability to communicate complex and novel ideas in accessible ways, for a range of audiences and purposes
awareness of personal responsibility and professional codes of conduct throughout all stages of the project, working in transparent and ethical ways.
雅思学术:总分 7.0(听力、写作和口语至少 7.0;阅读 6.5)
TOEFL Internet:总分 100(每个单项至少 25)
CAE:A 级或 B 级(每个单项至少 193)加上语言中心评估
CPE:A、B 或 C 级(每个元素至少 200)
要申请本课程,您必须之前已在 ICE 完成了医学教育 PG 文凭。
本课程的申请者应获得英国 2.i 荣誉学位或同等学历。
2022 年的入学费用为每年 6,498 英镑。综合研究生费用包括学院会员资格。
MSt in Population Health Sciences
1. Critically appraise and evaluate the design, analysis and interpretation of population health studies
2. Identify and synthesise relevant published research literature
3. Select, devise and develop appropriate study designs and data collection methods for population health research
4. Select appropriate measures to describe and analyse the health status of populations and variations within populations
5. Collect, manage and conduct appropriate analyses of data relevant to population health using contemporary research tools
6. Apply relevant theories to practical settings
7. Assess risks to population health at a variety of levels
8. Design and evaluate the impact of interventions on population health
9. Understand the functioning of organizations and regulatory frameworks relevant to work in population health science
10. Appreciate the inherent uncertainty of research in population health disciplines and the challenges of working with conflicting viewpoints and complexity
11. Marshall and critically evaluate evidence from a wide range of sources to help advance population health
12. Identify a researchable problem and define an appropriate research question
13. Develop and implement a research protocol, critically interpret findings and identify implications for research, policy and practice
14. Effectively communicate population health principles and research to a range of stakeholders both verbally and in writing
5. Network and collaborate effectively with diverse members of interdisciplinary teams
16. Effectively use computational tools related to these learning outcomes
17. Develop competitive proposals to support population health research
18. Analyse and shape one’s own practice to reflect and apply these learning objectives to sustainably improve population health
CAE:A 级或 B 级(每个单项至少 193 分)加上语言中心评估。
CPE:A、B 或 C 级(每个元素至少 200)。
TOEFL iBIT:总分不低于 100,单项不低于 25
本课程的申请者通常会获得英国 2.i 荣誉学位或海外同等学历。
我们还期望对人口健康科学 (PHS) 产生明确的兴趣,明确致力于 PHS 的职业,并清楚地了解 MPhil/MSt 对申请人未来职业抱负的贡献。
优秀 A 级学生水平的数学技能是申请健康数据科学 (HDS) 主题的最低要求。尽管如此,我们预计大多数申请者将接受比 A-level 更高级的数学培训。仅满足最低数学要求的申请人将获得与课程相关领域的本科学位。HDS 申请人非常需要计算机编程方面的一些才能和经验。
32,412 英镑